Nautilus Shell Necktie. Popular in curiosity cabinets of the Renaissance and Victorian eras, when viewed in cross-section, the Chambered Nautilus shell displays a near perfect logarithmic spiral.
• Pattern: Screen printed Nautilus Shell.
• Fabric: Silky-soft woven microfiber, Vegan safe.
• Printing ink: Non-toxic, waterbased ink.
• Print size: 8" from bottom point.
• Tie Size: Choose standard or narrow.
• Color: Many! Your choice from dropdown menu.
• Care: Hand wash, spot clean, or dry clean.
• Creases and folds? Gently iron medium.
This equiangular growth spiral, or Golden Ratio, occurs in mollusks, animal and human bodies, the arms of galaxies, hurricanes, cyclones and the paths of birds and insects in flight. Shown first: Dove on black; charcoal; navy. Many more available!